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Class Info




What do I need to bring each day?

1. Interactive Notebook

2. Textbook

3. Pencil with Eraser

4. Calculator

5. Reading Book

6. Other supplies as needed


Interactive Notebook

Everything should be kept in your Interactive Notebook: notes, class work, homework, worksheets, quizzes, tests, and project grade sheets. You must keep it organized...Don't worry, I am here to help! :)




Class Work

Most days, you will have an assignment that will be completed in class and checked before class is over. This assignment will be kept in your Interactive Notebook. Following class expectations, including class work, will be a part of your bi-monthly participation grade. 




Homework assignments will be written on the board, on the weekly planner, and in your Interactive Notebook. The assignment is due the following day, unless told other wise. It will be graded for completion. You will also have homework quizzes, so it will be important to correct your work in class and keep everything organized. 


Late Work

You have one late work grade per quarter. This should be used in an emergency situation, not because you don't feel like completing your work. You will have to fill out a late slip in the Late Work Binder and you have one day to complete the work. You will submit the work to the drawer labeled: Late Work. If you fail to fill out a late slip (on the day that it was due) and/or turn in your work the next day, then you will earn a zero. Any work not completed after you use your late grade, will result in a zero. 

Quiz Retake and Test Corrections

ReQuiz: You will be allowed to retake quizzes throughout each quarter if you earn below 85%. You will have to complete a Request to ReQuiz form and submit it to Mrs. Felts with the required materials in the drawer labeled: ReQuiz/Test Corrections. Mrs. Felts will set up a time for the quiz to be retaken. The highest grade you can earn is 85% and it will be recorded on EdLine. If you are absent on the day of the retake, then you will take it the day you return.


Test Corrections: You will be allowed to correct the problems you missed on tests throughout each quarter. You will have to complete a Test Corrections Sheet and submit it with the original test in the drawer labeled: Quiz Retake/Test Corrections. You have 3 days from when the tests are passed back to submit test corrections. You can earn up to half of the points that were missed. The new grade will be reflected on EdLine.




Most days, you will take notes over the topics being covered. It is your responsility to keep organized notes as they will be your reference for daily work, quizzes, and tests. They will be kept in your Interactive Notebook. 




Submitting Work

Each class will have a drawer labeled with their class' name. Work that is completed on time should be submitted to that drawer. 


Late work will be submitted in a drawer labeled: Late Work.


NEVER place work on my desk/desk chair!



Grading Scale is as follows:

92-100     A

82-91       B

72-81       C

62-71       D

0-61         F


Tests/Projects     50%

- You will have 2-3 tests/projects each quarter

Quizzes     25%

- You will have atleast 6 quizzes each quarter

Homework     15%

- Homework will be graded for completion

Class work/Participation     10%

- Class work will graded on participation and time management during class

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